Berthing Cost
Virtual Tour


Facilities & Services

At Flisvos Marina, we invest in the comfort of the customer because that is what, ultimately, shapes the experience.

As a global sea tourism destination, we operate in accordance with international standards. Our reputation and high regard concerning the comfort of our guests has resulted in a pillar of hospitality expected from Flisvos Marina’s nautical community of sea lovers and yacht owners.

Port Facilities

Finding the right berth is often the most important concern for owners of mega-yachts. Flisvos Marina has 310 berths. More than half of these berths have been designed to accommodate yachts larger than 30m in length.

Flisvos Marina’s infrastructure also includes:
the Control Tower for the safe entry and exit of yachts into/out of the port, as well as their movement inside the marina. the port entrance with a western orientation that allows safe entry and exit of all yachts, even in adverse weather conditions. the windward with the external protection — created to protect yachts from waves and strong southerly winds. a helicopter landing area. Flisvos Marina also provides the possibility of an outdoor self-service car parking with a capacity of 650 spaces.

Security & Privacy

Berthing location is the same as a private residence and we believe that it should be given the same privacy, security and right to quiet enjoyment. Capitalising on the modern infrastructure developed for hosting VIP guests during the ATHENS 2004 Olympic Games, Flisvos Marina's privacy and security measures include:
Security fence Camera surveillance Controlled vehicle entrance Single exit/entry point for all vehicles and pedestrians 24-hour surveillance service and vehicle patrol Direct access to Flisvos Port Police, located on marina's premises (Administration building) Watch tower

Flisvos Marina Concierge Services

Luxury in every detail, anywhere in Greece
Concierge services are provided to Flisvos Marina customers in collaboration with Regatta Plus.

Prior to your trip to Greece and during your stay, the staff of Regatta Plus can cater to all your needs. From finding the ideal destination to arranging VIP meals, shopping, chauffeur services, or chartering your private jet, you are covered effortlessly in every aspect of your stay.
The partner team is available 24/7 to anticipate and meet your needs, ensuring an uninterrupted and luxurious experience throughout your stay.

Discover top-notch hospitality at Flisvos Marina.

Helicopter & Private Jet Charters Chauffeur Services VIP Guided Tours & Reservations Yacht Charters Tender and Water Toy Rentals Medical Appointments & Services Babysitter on board Provisioning Organization of Special Events

For a detailed description of all services, please contact the Customer Service Department of Marina Flisvos, +30 2109871000-2

Land Premises

The creation of Flisvos Marina established an ideal leisure destination on the Athenian Riviera. Unprecedented in Greek land development, the 8,200 sq.m. premises offers visitors a delightful seaside setting in which to shop, savour a cup of coffee, or try a variety of local or international cuisines at one of the dining venues. Nature lovers may appreciate the natural paths of green along the marina’s promenade.

At Flisvos Marina, our visitor’s daily comfort is our daily concern.
At Flisvos Marina, we take every precaution to create safe berthing conditions to ensure the protection of yachts including:

Modern fire detection and fire fighting equipment Trained staff to handle emergency situations Immediate assistance with specialised multi-use tender (fire-fighting, thrust, big boat towing) Back-up solutions in case of equipment failure Contingency plans

Personalised & Reliable Service

Flisvos Marina's staff is carefully selected and trained to provide customers with the exclusive care, privacy and professional service they deserve. High standards are maintained through constant training of all marina personnel.